by CIAdmin | Jul 8, 2017 | Non classifié(e) |
Looking for cheap cars? Some cheap cars are good to buy and you can save some money, however take a very good attention with your safety. More than rust, old cars can have some issues on suspension and brakes. Also, some cars are not equipped with some safety features...
by CIAdmin | Jul 8, 2017 | Uncategorized |
Looking for cheap cars? Some cheap cars are good to buy and you can save some money, however take a very good attention with your safety. More than rust, old cars can have some issues on suspension and brakes. Also, some cars are not equipped with some safety features...
by CIAdmin | Feb 22, 2017 | Uncategorized |
Normally when evaluate one car, parents forget to see the condition to install the child seat. Baby and child seats consume lot of space on rear seat, which reduce the capacity from three to two passengers. Also baby seats reduce the space behind front seats, limiting...
by CIAdmin | Jun 5, 2016 | General Info, Uncategorized |
Have you ever searched for a car and found it hundreds of kilometers from your home and wondered if it’s a good deal. Car Inspected offers a service, where they meet the seller, and conduct the inspection on your behalf, and provide you with a full written report,...
by CIAdmin | Jun 5, 2016 | Ask the pros, General Info, Uncategorized |
Our services: How did Car Inspected start?. well. Some people are completely passionate about cars. we fall into that category. Back in University days, we used to read forums on cars instead of go to parties. So technically, this started way longer than Car...
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